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Womens’ Health & Wellbeing Day


On Friday 20th February 2105 the Fundraising Department of Shakiry Charity for Social Solidarity hosted an Event in recognition of Women and the invaluable role they play in society.

Ladies were invited to set aside the date and spend a half day of fun, relaxation and pampering at our Event Centre in Cricklewood.  The theme of the event was Womens’ Health and Wellbeing

Ladies participating at the event were able to get first hand expert advice on skin analysis and recommendations on skin care and suitable beauty products - including how to smooth out and reduce unwanted wrinkles! 

The mini hairdressing salon set up in the Event Centre especially for this occasion was inundated with requests on hair care advice, cutting and styling.

Other pampering activities included Indian Head Massage, acupuncture and advice and information on weight loss programs and the importance of daily exercise. 

The Event also provided a forum for Ladies to showcase their micro businesses encouraging other women to engage in developing their hobbies and talents as a means to self development and income generation.   There were displays of handicrafts such as glass painting, candle decoration and calligraphy, handmade jewellery and accessories and natural and oriental health products. All items were available to purchase.

And, of course, there were delicious and appetizing drinks and eats to satisfy the appetite!

All items, activities and refreshments were offered at greatly discounted prices.  The proceeds from the Event went towards our Charity Bank Program which provides interest-free loans to less fortunate women in Iraq to enable them to learn a skill and support their families through the income they generate

Attendance at the Event was excellent.  Our Guests extended their thanks for a memorable and thoroughly enjoyable afternoon on an otherwise wintry February day.  They expressed their support and appreciation for the efforts of Shakiry Charity for Social Solidarity in organizing this event to help and support the Women of Iraq and their needy families.