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28/07/2015     Help No: H502020007

With your support, we can continue to grow our program of food and clothing vouchers

Every day there are thousands of orphans and poor families living in Iraq under extremely difficult conditions.  The extent of these conditions and the associated sufferings are difficult to describe.

Can you imagine the pain of a mother who is unable to provide enough food for her hungry children?

Shakiry Charity worked hard during the holy month of Ramadhan to give a helping hand to the needy people registered with our Centres through distributing food and clothing vouchers.

Each family was given ten vouchers (total value of just over £30) to meet their needs for a month. Ten thousand vouchers were distributed.

Shakiry Charity would like to express its gratitude to the supporters of the charity hoping they may continue their generosity after the month of Ramadhan as we are planning to continue with this program on an ongoing basis.  

The program of food vouchers enables needy families to have the freedom to choose their food supplies from approved food stores registered with the charity.

We ask for your continued support and bigheartedness to enable us to continue to provide this relief to the poor and the needy.

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