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Preview and free treatment and other services provided by Dr. Ali Al-Shammari, a member of the provincial council in Najaf for needy families registered at the guidance center of Najaf.


Citizen advice and care center ( najaf  branch)

Dr. Ali Al-Shammari, a member of the provincial council in Najaf (Chairman of the Committee on Health) Visited citizens advice   and care Center Najaf branch.

Mr. Abou El Hassan Al-saraf explanation to Dr. Shammari the center's activities and projects, especially medical conditions sponsored by the center and the need to communicate with the relevant government agencies to provide services to beneficiaries.

Dr. Shammari ( MD Internal Medicine / previous Health Minister ) Expressed willingness to cooperate in several areas, including Preview  and provide treatment and free surgeries to all needy families registered with the najaf advice center.

In addition to providing services to people with special needs registeredin the center such as access to wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs and other things that are available and accessible .

 The Dr.expressed. his readiness to provide in-kind assistance to needy families and  health lecture that  held at the Hall  advice Center of Najaf .

Advancing administration citizens advice and care center (a branch of Najaf ) thanks and appreciation to Dr. Ali Al-Shammari for cooperation and willingness to provide services to needy families .

Abou El Hassan ATM / Director, Center for guidance and care of the citizens (a branch of Najaf ) .

Address: Najaf / Hay Prince / Directorate of Education against the province of Najaf .

Phone: 009647822750040



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