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مركز النجف لارشاد المعاقين يستعرض ما يقدمه من نشاطات لمندوبي الامم المتحدة واليونسكو



ابدى كل من ممثل اليونسكو السيد مهدي صالح وممثل الامم المتحدة الدكتور اسد محمد علي، اعجابهما بما حققه مركز النجف لارشاد ورعاية ذوي الاعاقة من انجازات لهذه الشريحة من المعاقين، وذلك من خلال شرح الاهداف والنشاطات التي يقوم بها المركز المذكور، وتقديم الرؤية والتصور لاحتياجات المعاقين.


Disability has burdened the lives of people of all ages and professions. The war has seen an increase in babies being born with disabilities, and many others are still being wounded in the fighting- if not already taken ill by disease or malnutrition. Mercy Corps spokesperson Tiana Tozer said "If you take into account that Iraq has been at war since 1977, the Iran-Iraq war, the American bombings, sanctions, all of which have contributed to more people becoming disabled, 2.7 million or 10 percent of the population is a conservative estimate." The Iraqi Ministry of Health has just 21 rehabilitation centres and 12 prosthetic labs, and it is unable to open more due to a lack of doctors and specialists. The government also says that only a quarter of amputees who are in need of artificial limbs have received them as a result of the unavailability of raw materials.

The range of disabilities is vast- ranging from loss of limbs to autism to rare central nervous diseases. Whether Iraqis with disabilities are students, engineers, carpenters or housewives, they enjoy very little prospect of receiving the care they need. The Najaf Centre for People with Disabilities endeavours to execute programmes that will provide sustainable solutions for the many who suffer from disabilities, helping provide them with the correct medical treatment, means of employment and integration into society. The mental and physical suffering of this large sector of society is beyond words, but with your help we can ease their burden and provide a brighter future for many Iraqis with disabilities.

Help us give a better life to Iraqis with Disbilities by donating whatever you can to the Welfare Rights Centre for People with Disabilities

As with all ICF donations, we pay for the transfer and conversion fees so that all your money reaches those in need. Unlike most charities we have a 0% admin fee policy so that we can ensure the maximum benefit to those depending on us.  We can only carry on with the work we do with your support. Donate Now.