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Support Required to Establish Training Cources for Orphans

Many of orphans families and the families in need have visited Baquba Advice and Care Centre to indicate that their children need some courses in different subject to help them in their study especially the English languages. The centre decided to open these courses to help the families that live in poverty and unable to pay for private lessons. The cost of some of the courses reached 700 thousands Iraqi Dinars for the GCSE student. This cost is more than the monthly income for some families.

In this situation all the poor students become a victim and either fail the exams and leave their schools or get very low marks; so they cannot attend the university. The low level marks lead the student to attend institutes and when they graduate they do not find a job with their low level qualification.


For this reason and to help the student get good marks and pass their final exams, Baquba’s Centre decided to start its first step and open free courses for Intermediate and Secondary schools subjects especially English language for girls.


The Centre’s management is calling for financial help to establish various cources  and help in this charitable project.


For more details please contact the centre on


