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Seminar to discuss the implication of Brexit on immigration and residency laws in the UK

Shakiry Charity for Social Solidarity is happy to announce it will be hosting a seminar in our offices in Cricklewood on Saturday 1st October which will touch upon the important legal developments and implications following the UK’s decision to withdraw from the European Union.


The seminar will be presented by Ms. Ayad Fazli Lami (lawyer) and will focus on immigration and residency laws, as well as laws relating to  EU citizens and residents in Britain.


The lecture will also talk about other changes that may take place, including specialized social assistance.

Details as follows:


Date:               1st October 2016

Venue:            Shakiry Charity for Social Solidarity offices

Unit 1D, Crusader House

289 Cricklewood Broadway

  London, NW2 6NX

Time:              14.30 – 16.30


Note: Please contact us to confirm your attendance due to limited places on the following numbers: 02084525244 to 07550687707

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London office contact number (closed on Saturday and Sunday):