Trustees:Mr A S Shakiry (Chairman) The Board of Trustees is responsible for the management of Shakiry Charity and to ensure that the Aims and Objectives of the charity are carried out in compliance with our Articles of Association. Trustees are non-executive and do not receive a remuneration from Shakiry Charity. Our Aims: To promote the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and the efficient use of charitable resources in Iraq and the United Kingdom by providing information, guidance, training and technical and professional support and assistance Registration: Companies House Registration No. 05354695 Charity Commission – Registration No. 1115625 Shakiry Charity for Social Solidarity follows fundraising laws and guidance according to Charity Commission guidelines.
Annual Reports: Our Financial Statements and Trustees Report are prepared annually by an Independent Examiner, and are submitted to Companies House and Charity Commission. Our financial year period is 1 January to 31 December. Copy of recent Annual Reports:
Policies and Procedures: Complaints & Resolving Difficulties Equal Opportunities Statement SCSS Induction Procedure for Staff & Volunteers IT Security, Email & the Internet Maternity and Parental Entitlements Vetting Policy Volunteer Expense Policy & Procedures
Application Forms for Employees and Volunteers: