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Generous initiative by Dr. Hamid Saleh to provide free schooling to orphans of martyrs


The Prophet Muhammad (S.W.T) said : The one who includes an orphan among Muslims in his food and drink, deserves a place in paradise.

Dr Hamid Saleh is building a private school in Basra, at his own expense.


It was during a recent visit that Dr. Hamid expressed his aspirations and noble intentions to provide free schooling to the orphans of martyrs registered at Basra Branch.  Further, he undertook to try to provide these children with the necessary supplies such as uniforms and stationery so that they would not face any obstacles in attending school, and gaining the best education possible in order to help their country and build a better society.

On the other hand, and in the same context, the branch administration have expressed its readiness to provide the children with the school uniform, after agreeing on the uniform and the school logo.

The branch management thanked Dr. Hamid for his initiative and the staff of the branch will arrange a list of orphans whose fathers’ names are registered with the branch.  The staff from Basra Branch will provide ongoing assistance to ensure the success of this wonderful initiative.

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