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A widow appeals to people of charity for urgent help
21/02/2020     Help No: H040000470

Among the field visits carried out by the branch staff, a visit to the widow (Houry KH.A), whose husband died of cancer.

He left her with 9 kids, some of them are still at school despite their difficult living conditions.  Their mother suffers from cancer in the bladder and needs constant chemotherapy.

The staff found her and her orphans living  in a dilapidated house built without permission and she had no source of income or support. 

This widow needs:

- A monthly medical assistance of 50.000 IQDs (around £34) to cover the costs of treatment. 

- An assistance for the education of the children of 50.000 IQDs(around £34)

- A financial assistance of 150,000 IQDs (around £100) to buy a washing machine. 

- A financial assistance of 150.000 IQDs (around £100) to buy a cooker. 

- A financial assistance of 85.000 IQDs (around £57) to buy a heater. 

- A financial assistance of 35.000 IQDs (around £23) to buy an oil heater

The widow and her children hope that people of charity would land them  a helping hand to help relieve some of their suffering.

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    Beneficiary No: B04-7660