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29/02/2024     Help No: H020001408

Bayaa Branch 


Cottage Industry production brings rewards and success to small project management 


Staff from Bayaa Branch were blessed to receive a huge donation comprising  1000 kgs (1 ton) of good quality Iraqi dates!


This generous donation was immediately put to use under our Small Projects Program.  A group of women (beneficiaries registered with the Charity) joined forces to prepare and elegantly package the dates in order to present them for sale to consumers, through Al-Shakiry Stores and its branches spread throughout Iraq.


The outcome of the project was a great success for our fundraising and Small Projects Programmes.


The financial consequences of the project provided a worthy stimulus to other  beneficiaries, encouraging them to focus on the benefits that may be derived from work, according to the principle of  “Don't give me a fish, but teach how to fish”. 


We hope this achievement will be an encouragement to all donors to generously invest in donations, which will promote and support the value of work in order to create a more fruitful society.


Many thanks and gratitude to the donors, the beneficiaries, and the management in London Head Office for their valuable guidance.


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