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Family of six orphans desperately need a helping hand
06/06/2024     Help No: H050001011

Najaf Branch

Family of six orphans desperately need a helping hand. 


Staff from Najaf Branch visited the widow, Ibtisam, H. H.  She lives with her family of six orphans in rented accommodation.  Most of the orphans attend school.

The family has no financial income.  They do not even receive a social welfare allowance, and are reliant solely upon the generosity of good people to get by.

Following the death of their sole breadwinner (who was electrocuted), the family now lives under extremely difficult circumstances.


They desperately need:


- Ongoing monthly sponsorship of 50.000 IQD (approx. £30) for each orphan (x6)


-A donation of 150.000 IQD (approx. £90) to buy an air cooler.  


- A donation of 200.000 IQD (approx. £120) to buy a cooker.


- A donation of 150.000 IQDs (approx. £90) to buy a washing machine. 


We earnestly seek generous, kind Donors to support this desperate family.

To make a donation please click here

You can contact us on the following email:

London office contact number (closed on Saturday and Sunday):

Families with Orphans
Age 41
Name Ibtisam
Beneficiary No B05-17232
Centre Najaf
School Situation
Work Situation
No in Family 7
Category Widowed
Beneficiary No Name Age Category School SituationWork Situation
B05-17233 Ayat 17 Study subsidies
B05-17234 Sarah 9 Orphans
B05-17235 Youssef 5 Orphans
B05-17236 Ziad 12 Orphans
B05-17237 Khaled 16 Orphans
B05-17238 Muthanna 14 Orphans
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    Beneficiary No: B05-17232