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No Platform for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

No Platform for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

The system of "voluntary" returns is managed by the International Organization for Migration. It wields the carrot (financial incentives) whilst the boot boys of the British Immigration Agency  wield the stick of incarceration and dawn raids. Let us make this clear: They are, despite their continued protestations, a part of the forced removal system.

Picket - Thursday 19th June 10:00pm-6:00pm

To coincide with "IOM Day" being held as part of Bristol's Refugee Week
Outside the Pierian Centre, Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) claims to assist migrants. It is using Bristol Refugee Week to sell a positive image of itself to refugees and asylum seekers and to the groups they work with. In reality it’s primary function is help rich western governments meet their deportation targets, regardless of the very real dangers facing returning asylum seekers.
The IOM is currently targeting asylum seekers from Iraq and Zimbabwe, stepping in with their 'voluntary return programme' at the point where the UK government withdraws even minimum financial support. Faced with the alternative of destitution, no access to healthcare and homelessness several thousand Iraqis have already returned through VARRP, despite the IOM’s representative in Iraq admitting that "the situation for those returning is grim... many returnees are unemployed while only a fraction have received any form of humanitarian assistance other than some food rations.”
The IOM makes sure that it takes no responsibility for the returnees welfare after they arrive home. All participants in the scheme are asked to sign a waiver reading: “the IOM has no responsibility for me and my dependents once I return [to Iraqi territory] and I hereby release IOM from any liability in this respect.
Anyone participating in the Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration Programme (VARRP) is prohibited from returning to the UK for a minimum of five years. Those who pay their own airfare home and receive no assistance from the IOM are eligible to reapply in 12 months.

No Platform for the IOM:
By allowing IOM to have a day at refugee week, which should be about celebrating the contribution refugees make to our society, the organisers are allowing them to promote themselves as a refugee friendly organization. Other groups that genuinly wish to support asylum seekers and refugees could be folled into thinking this is an organisation they can work with.

The IOM is a deportation agency: *those who sign up are not choosing to return home but fleeing the poverty and destitution government policies are enforcing onto them.
We can't allow them to be legitimised in this way. Boycott the IOM. Come and find out more about what the IOM really does around the world.