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The good folk answer to the appeals and offer generous donations to help a group of difficult cases from the Sadr City populace.



Baghdad - Citizens' Advice And Care Centre (Sadr City branch)


The good folk continue to answer the appeals for help which the Centre published for some cases during the months of October and November, what follows are the details:


On 1/10/12 Kouthir Kibashi, who is afflicted with psoriasis, received donations to the value of 1,700,000 Dinars. Among the group of donors are Mr Ali Al-Wasiti, Mr Mustafa Kambouri and Hassan Mohammed Ali who purposed to treat her in India, but after discovering the presence of a natural treatment within Iraq it was decided to pay the sum to the above-mentioned lady in the form of monthly installments according to the treatment's installment payments.


On the 22/10/12 the mother of the boy Mustafa Talib Khadhim received a sum to the value of 46,000 Iraqi Dinars (for the second month) in order to buy medicinal milk in addition to the drops which he was needing, and the condition of the boy improved when he began to sit whereas before he was unable to sit due to the illness.


On the 23/10/12 the two brothers Ali and Zihra, afflicted with THILASIMIA(?), received donations to the value of 100,000 Iraqi Dinars as aid to them, obtaining medical apparatus which they were in need of through donations from the good folk.


On the 23/10/12 the girl Zainib, afflicted with leukaemia, received a sum to the value of 100,000 Iraqi Dinars to help alleviate the difficulties in which her family live.


On the 14/11/12 the girl Daa Sadiq received from the good folk donations to the value of 400,000 Iraqi Dinars, it being the transport fare from her home to the hospital.


On the 14/11/12 the boy Mohammed Abd Al-Hamid, afflicted with epilepsy, received donations (from the good folk) to the value of 300,000 Dinars as transport fares and to undergo tests.


On 5/11/12 the patient Kamil Thijil Nasr, afflicted with schizophrenia, received donations from the good folk to the value of 100,000 Dinars to purchase his treatment.


The Citizens' Advice And Care Centre (Sadr City branch) offers its abundant thanks to those donors, the majority of them Iraqis residing in the UK, and wishes to advertise the presence of many cases requiring urgent intervention to help them.