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  About the Beneficiaries

Primarily, the beneficiaries of this programme are those people who are in dire straits for one reason or another, and do not have the means to afford a home of their own.  These families (sometimes just groups of orphans living together) are very often shunned by society and endure extreme hardships whilst seeking shelter and daily support.  Very often the head of the family is unable to earn any form of income due to medical health problems or disabilities.
Secondly, the Programme seeks to help young people (about 65% of the population) on the verge of marriage, who are unable to afford a home of their own, or whose incomes do not qualify them to benefit from other traditional housing programmes.

Our chain of Citizen Advice and Care Centres provide a haven of relief and an opportunity, when all other avenues have been exhausted and desperate citizens have nowhere else to turn to. 

Destitute citizens are encouraged to register at one of our Centres.  An Advisor will be appointed to discuss their needs.  This is followed by a field visit by the centres' staff to observe firsthand and assess the degree of their appalling living conditions.  Dependent on the assessment and outcome of this visit a recommendation will be put forward to provide housing for qualifying families.  Income and other related factors are taken into consideration when deciding how much and whether a family can repay the loan.  We, however recognise and support the needs of very poor people, and will not expect any return from them.  This is where the contributions from generous benefactors to our Charity Bank Project and the Housing Programme in particular, will be most gratefully received and will make an enormous difference to the most needy in society.

In addition, we regularly publish on our website a collection of Special Appeals requesting urgent financial support in terms of housing requirements and meeting the basic needs of destitute families.   We urge you to respond to these desperate cases with the option of choosing who your donations will specifically go to. For more information please contact